Simple Tips to Get Naturally Glowing Skin Overnight


Have you ever thought that it would be nice if you're born with naturally glowing skin? Natural glowing skin will always make your skin complexion do better even with minimal makeup but every person was born with different skin types and conditions. 

Your lifestyle habits such as diet and nutrition, sleeping cycle, smoking and alcohol consumption, sun exposure, or lack of proper skincare routine might ruin the glow that you deserve on your skin. 

One day, you have been invited to an event at the very last minute but you afraid that your current not-so-well skin would overthrow your self-confidence to appear in front of other people. Do you think there's a possibility to achieve naturally glowing skin... overnight?

Of course, yes!

The method of getting natural glowing skin overnight is to do the right things before you go to bed and there's always the simplest way to get it done. 

Simple Tips to Get Naturally Glowing Skin Overnight

I have compiled a list of tricks you can do to help your skin regenerate for a natural glow while you sleep overnight and you'll be amazed how simple it's to take care of your skin. 

I've tried some of the following ideas with great results for glowing skin and I'm glad to share it with you guys. Keep in mind to always take off every trace of your makeup and cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying any of these methods.

1. Use A Sheet Mask Before Bed

Sheet masks are great for hydrating skin. Wearing a sheet mask as the last step of your night skincare routine can indulge the skin with an abundant dose of extra moisture while you sleep and gives you a natural glow when you wake up.

But, make sure to take it off before you go to sleep and let the remaining essence do their job on your skin. If your skin is well-hydrated throughout the night, your skin will glow automatically in the morning, making the makeup process easier. 

In fact, the skin is the largest organ of the human body that requires proper hydration to perform its function properly. The water content in your skin can contribute to the plumpness, resiliency, and elasticity of the skin surface. That's exactly what makes your skin naturally glow! 

Given the fact that our bodies are made up of more than 60% water, it comes as no surprise that water is one of the most important roots to sustain the overall health of the human body which includes nourishing the skin inside out.

2. Massage Your Face With Face Oils

The biggest reason why I really love using face oil and never miss to include it in my makeup routine is that it provides my skin with a naturally glowing effect that doesn't look FAKE. 

Instead of your regular moisturizer, massaging your face with face oils before you put on your makeup (it's even better to do it at night before you sleep) is a great step to getting natural glowing skin overnight as it'll deeply hydrate your skin.

I don't really know the science behind the functions of essential oils on our skin, especially for glowing skin but I'm sure that face oils can help to protect the skin from water loss and it's a great hydration agent too! 

Thus, using pure face oils can save you from any chemical emulsifiers which can usually be found in most face creams or lotions in the beauty market as they need to keep the oils from separating with the water. [Essential oils are basically extracted from plants]


You might be wondering if it's okay to apply face oils on oily skin but the reality is that it's actually great in balancing this type of skin. 

It's understandable to be confused with the saying that face oils are good for oily skin, like- your skin is already greasy, why would you add more oil to it? It's just that's not how your skin actually works

Face oils help to moisture the skin, which will keep your skin from over-producing oil (to compensate for your over-drying skin). I'm an oily skin type person who's been using face oils for years now and it does great on my skin.

You'll get the bright and shiny effect (but it's not that greasy) on your face when you apply the face oil, which will give you a natural GLOW look.

3. Wear Sleeping Mask

Sleeping masks are different from particular sheet masks. It's a thing that you puts on your skin overnight while you are sleeping (don't need to wash it off). One of my favorite sleeping mask is, of course, the Laneige Water Sleeping Mask. It's everyone's favorite tho. 

One of their managers explained that sleeping masks are designed to strengthen the skincare routine and also work as overnight hydration to the skin while you sleep. The right sleeping mask would be the key to sound sleep too. 

You'll wake up in the morning with the natural glow on your skin as it's already getting sufficient moisture throughout the night.

4. DIY Honey Mask

Do you have a jar of honey in your kitchen? Use it to make your skin radiant! Honey helps to open the pores and clear away the dirt because it's also categorized as an antibacterial, to prevent and treat acne problems. 

DIY-ing a honey mask is as simple as it possibly is: just take 2-3 spoons of honey from the jar and apply it all over your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes before you rinse it off. It would be better if you could mix the honey with milk, you'll get tons of nutrients to help restore your skin's glow overnight. 

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Tank up the water content in your body by drinking plenty of water a day before. Dehydration can cause many health issues, especially to your skin- dull skin, large pores, flaky skin, or extreme dryness. Hydrating yourself in and out would make your skin feels more lively and better chance for naturally glowing skin.

6. Get A Good Sleep At Night

This last tip is crucial. Make sure to go to bed early after you finish your night skincare routine so you can get enough sleep for at least 7 hours at night. Your skincare will work wonders to gives you a natural glow if you can get a good beauty sleep at night.

When you're not getting enough sleep, your skin will always pay the price. Puffy face and eye bags in the morning, urgh scary!

I leave you will all my favorite tips above for you to get naturally glowing skin overnight. My skin is radically improved after I practiced all these tips. I enjoy waking up with glowing skin as it requires me less effort to get ready in the morning with such very minimal makeup. You should try it too!

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  1. stiap wanita pasti suka bila skin glowing kan tp tk semua rajin nk pakai mask or buat tips yg di sharesbb kdg2 lupa ataupun dh penat kan..anyway tq share tips natural glowing skin overnight

  2. nak cantik memang kena rajin dan konsisten, akak pun amalkan pakai serum dan moisturiser sebelum tidur, harapnya kulit lebih anjal dan cantik besok paginya

  3. thank u for the tips but its hard for me to be consistent to do skin care routine

  4. Satu lagi produk kecantikan untuk wanita yang memang orang perempuan suka lah heheheh orang laki tukar bayar jer wakakakak..

  5. yang oil tu tak ngam dengan skin I. Sheet mask before bed pun tak ngam. For now banyakkan minum air and sleep early hehe

  6. hehe kai pakai aloe vera as sleeping mask. and bolehlah glowing jugak >.< (perasan je ni)

  7. Tips 5 & 6 is a must for kak pip.
    yang lain lain tu optional for me.

  8. I've put you as my bloglist..let's exchange! heheh

  9. Ooo Sis jarang plak pakai mask sebelum tidur, nanti boleh cuba.. kalau pakai face oil dan minum air tu memang kebiasaan buat..

  10. Nak skin glowing bukan sehari dua buat terus jadi. Kena konsisten. Kekadang rajin kekadang selalu malas. Acaner? Hahaa..

  11. Thanks for your tips. I like to use Face Oils especially at night too. Wish for glowing skin forever hehe

  12. Wah memang tips yang sangat berguna untuk muka kekal glowing. Sy mmg suka pakai mask

  13. Banyak tips yg boleh jita gunakan disini. Best kalau dapat glowing skin

  14. Ema kena letak air botol suam sebelah, senang nak minum sebelum tidur

  15. Ada rezeki lebih memang teringin nak beli Laneige Water Sleeping Mask tu sebab ramai cakap bagus. But as for now, memang kerap pakai sheet mask je every night.
